I really loved this essay. I especially liked how you said documentation can also be about reclamation. I just wrote my own memoir about my past trauma and experiences with alcoholism and now I’m looking into what comes next after releasing that painful past. Perhaps reclaiming the good moments is what comes next.

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Thank you for speaking to this! In a way, I feel like reading this was really affirming and offering me permission to document as much as I want. I recently went on a trip with friends and allowed myself to document freely, embracing "documentarian" as my self-appointed title. It's a role that I've always loved to play and a way that, very often, deeply connects me to the moment while also preserving something for the future. All that being said, I appreciate this reminder and perspective so much!

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I love this. I’m a big photo taker too and even if I don’t share them on social, I feel like documenting the moment pulls me closer in, not out of it. Thanks for sharing 💕

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i've been thinking about this recently, i just deactivated my social media because i've just been questioning everything i do there, like yes, i love documenting my life, but why do i post it for everyone? why am i constantly updating people i don't even know about my life, im slowly being repelled by the idea of documenting my life publicly and at the same time i do want, but again why? i've been stuck at the why, is it for validation from strangers all in the name of documenting my life, why not document my life privately?so many questions

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