Oh I very much needed this read this week ♥️ this was poetic and touching! 🍳

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This was lovely, and a great reminder for a natural morning person who struggles with the flip side - being social while honoring my needs in the evening.

On that note, does anyone have advice for a partnership with an extreme night owl and an early bird, how to do activities together and how to face the loneliness that sometimes comes up from such different body cycles?

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This is beautiful, and resonates with me, even though I enjoy early mornings. But I also love to sleep late and eschew routine. We don’t need to pick one!

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Thank you so much for this, Sam. I try so hard to be a morning person but in the process of battling depression and the insomnia that comes as part of it - I can neither sleep early nor wake up early, and the guild is unbearable because if I could, I would have. Either way, thank you for this.

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